Friday 10 June 2011

Week 8-9

This week has hit us all hard, our lecturers have told us we have only 4 weeks left before summer holidays and in fact, the end of first half of our two year course. This has been a tense and stressed time, purely because we have so much work to catch up on and complete before the end of term.
These last few weeks are mainly going to be about finishing unfinished assignments and tasks. I am trying to get the best grade possible to my ability, but is proving difficult with many different subjects, I just hope I can get these last few subjects finished in time.
The Graphics unit, Programming unit and Unit 3, I think i'm struggling with most, even with help from the lecturers I tent to find it relatively hard to grasp, which means with nearly all my subjects have only managed to achieve a pass, whereas I would have rather got a Merit, or at a push, Distention...

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Health Fare (week 6-7)

Today we turned up for lesson as usual. During our tutorial lesson (our first lesson of the day) our lecturer notified us about a Health fare which was taking place throughout the college during the day. This was to give students careers advice, and job opportunities. They had a range of various different jobs, and where it could lead students. So, as usual, our whole class turned up as we were told to our next class, waited for our lecturer to turn up, she then told us we were going to be watching a helicopter landing in the Cricket field.
We then had a look round at the various different stools offering advice etc, we then had our next lesson, but as there was an act taking place, we again left early. With our last lesson of the day we had Laurence, learning about graphics.

Friday 8 April 2011

Friday 8th April

Here on our last day of college before the two weeks Easter break, we've been working hard on trying to tie up lose ends of assignment work before we break up, as there won't be any time during the break to do any.
We had another lesson on programming etc... It's taking it's time to sink in the given information, but I think after a few weeks of learning it and endless PowerPoint presentations, it will sink in and i'll grasps it that little better. Still trying to complete the pass marks for Laurence with his graphics work, but doing ok on it so far.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

First week back after half term

This week I am hoping to improve my areas of communication, the most common problems I have during lessons is being distracted by others, if I don't let this happen, it will beneficially help me long term. Also when I'm finding particular subjects difficult, to remain motivated and enthusiastic to get the work completed.

Just some of these changes in my college life should dramatically alter the affect it has on me, if i do manage to keep this up throughout the year and the next year of college it will have an affect on my overall grades and help me achieve the grade I want to by the end of it.

If I can maintain my enthusiasm, motivation, and confidence if the assignments we're given, then I should find them easier than I have been.

Since Wednesday Andy taught us about programing, using a program called Delphi 2010 i'm finding this relatively hard at this point in time, but when we have him again next Wednesday, i'll ask for his help in this.
Once I get the hang on programing, then it should be easier.

I am falling behind on a few units as I'm not fully understanding the unit itself, whereas some of the units I find easier than others, as long as I ensure to keep up to date, ask my lecturers for help when needed, and to maintain my research on the internet about the subject, then I think I should be able to keep up and achieve the grade at the end of the course year.

Friday 18 February 2011

Week 3 "Report Sheet"

This week in tutorials we all got given a progress report sheet, and were told to have 1-1 interviews with the our lectures throughout the week.
Then from Wednesday onwards because I forgot to get my lecture on Tuesday to fill it out, from there I slowly made progress with getting them filled out with our various teachers.
The feedback I received wasn't exactly what I was expecting, as it was negative with most of the lectures, some of the teachers were saying I needed to ensure I shouldn't be getting distracted by others and to keep making good progress with my work.

Just recently had my last review from my teacher, best feed back i've received so far, made real good progress with this assignment, did struggle with it to begin with, but once I got half way through, I really started to enjoy it and get the hang of it. Also uploaded my current assignment I was working on, assignment 2, I will then see what grade I get for it.
Look forward to the next assignment and what it has to offer!

Friday 11 February 2011

Week 2

This week I realised that I'm not a visual learner, but rather a kinesthetic learner, so my lecturer told me to re take the a different test and do the same procedure as the last one, so I re took the test and sure enough the results came out differently to the first.
This time round i was a
kinesthetic learner, I then copy and pasted the new website, with new results, into a document and underneath had to explain the other types of learners and what kind of learning method they prefer.

Week 1 "What kind of learner am I?"

Stan Aldridge

Week 1
Last week I was set the challenge of researching what kind of learner i was, my result was Visual learner, I was then asked to screen print the site I did the quiz on, copy and paste the web address, and then to explain why this information would be helpful to organisations to employ people